
DIN EN ISO 11507:2007塗料和清漆.塗層暴露於人工風蝕.暴露於熒光紫外燈和水


DIN EN ISO 11507:2007發行信息

標準號:DIN EN ISO 11507:2007


發行方:STANDARD by DIN-adopted European-adopted ISO Standard


英文名:Paints and varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water (ISO 11507:2007); German version EN ISO 11507:2007

DIN EN ISO 11507

DIN EN ISO 11507:2007適用範圍


This International Standard specifies exposure conditions for paint coatings exposed to artificial weathering in apparatus including fluorescent UV lamps and condensation or water spray. The effects of weathering are evaluated separately by comparative testing of chosen parameters. NOTE The ultraviolet light produced by fluorescent lamps simulates only part of the UV region of natural sunlight and, consequently, the test pieces are subjected to a small but destructive portion of the spectrum. Due to the lack of visible and infra-red energy in the light from such UV lamps compared to sunlight, the test pieces are not heated above the temperature of the surrounding air in the way in which they would be in practical use.

符合DIN EN ISO 11507:2007的紫外老化試驗箱


美國Q-LAB品牌 QUV係列紫外老化試驗箱
